The 12 Session Plan
When I sat down to think about coaching the first thing I did was think back over my career and all of the things I wish someone had told me before I'd started. I thought of all the useful titbits of information I'd learned along the way, all the areas of the business I hadn't considered before I'd started and how I'd have to navigate social media like a boss to be successful. I also knew I wanted to create something that was simple, straightforward and most importantly had a fixed cost and timescale so people weren't on the hook for session after session after session until I deemed they were "ready".
From that I devised the 12 session plan, designed to take you from having little to no knowledge of the voice over industry to a place where you have all the knowledge and tools you need in order to go out in to the big wide world and start building your voice over career.
Each lesson is 45 minutes long, preferably over Skype with a webcam so we can work with each other as closely as distance allows but if all you’ve got is a phone then that’s fine too! In each lesson we’ll tightly focus on a single topic that’s a key aspect of working in the voiceover world and discuss practical, real world advice you can take away and implement. Across the twelve lessons we will cover:

Initial assessment – Assess where you are, who you are and where you want to go
Training – Why to train for voice over performance and who to train with
Setting up your business – The basics of getting a business off the ground
Demos – What should your voice over demo be like and where should you get them made?
Marketing – The task most voice actors dread! We’ll discuss marketing techniques as well as how to network
Social Media – We’ll cover the major platforms and how and why to use them!
Home studio – How to get set up so you can record at home, a must for anyone starting out in voiceover!
Voiceover genres – We’ll look at the types of voiceover work, discuss the challenges in each one and which suit you!
Pay to Play sites – We’ll discuss voice over Pay to Play sites, what’s out there and how to use each one
Agents – We’ll discuss the role of the voiceover agent, how to get one and what to expect when working with one
Rates and negotiating – We’ll discuss what sort of rates you should expect for your voiceover work and negotiation
Preparing yourself – A session in which we’ll discuss what you’re in for in a voiceover career and how to cope!
In addition to the Skype sessions, as part of my voiceover coaching, I’ll also be there to answer questions over e-mail throughout the course for anything urgent that comes up! An optional extra is to train with me on creating character voices which is something of a speciality of mine, entirely optional if you fancy that genre of voice work!