I'm Jay Britton, a full time, professional voice actor and motion capture artist based in the UK. You can read and hear all about my exploits as a voiceover artist here but if you are interested in starting a career in voiceover then read on!
As well as a busy acting career I also have a passion for both the voiceover industry and coaching new talent. My approach however is slightly different, I'm not a performance coach but a business one. There are much more qualified performance coaches out there and I know that because I worked with them, I started my voice acting career by working with the best people I could in every area and only 2 years later I walked out of my job to be a full time voice actor.
In 2015 I began coaching students on how to create, build and maintain a voice over business alongside giving talks at Voiceover events and Universities about voice over performance. My ethos is to teach you all the things nobody really teaches, things like; how to get an agent, how to market yourself, where / who to train with, how to setup a home studio and how to use social media. All those elements are just as crucial to your success as a voice actor as knowing how to perform.
To see the curriculum and topics I cover, check out the 12 Session Plan
Choosing a coach is a very personal thing so please have a look around my site to get a feel for who I am, my approach and my experience and if you are interested please don't hesitate to get in touch below!
Best wishes